Bio identical Hormone therapy Elmhurst, IL - Vitality Hormone Center

Bioidentical hormone therapy involves using hormones that are molecularly identical to those naturally occurring in the human body to treat hormone deficiencies and imbalances. As we age or go through major life changes, our hormone levels can fluctuate, causing distressing symptoms. Replacing these missing hormones through bioidentical therapy can provide immense relief.

Common Hormone Imbalances

Estrogen deficiency is one of the most frequent hormone imbalances, especially in women undergoing perimenopause and menopause. Declining estrogen levels lead to hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood changes, weight gain, sleep disturbances, and loss of skin elasticity. Testosterone deficiency affects both men and women. Low testosterone causes fatigue, depression, loss of muscle mass, weight gain, low libido, and erectile dysfunction. A drop in thyroid hormones slows the metabolism, spurring tiredness, weight gain, constipation, cold sensitivity, muscle weakness, and brain fog. DHEA deficiencies increase inflammation in the body, negatively impacting immunity, vitality, libido, and cognition.

Our services

Assessing Your Hormone Levels

The first step in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is getting comprehensive lab testing done to accurately evaluate your hormone levels and pinpoint any imbalances. Vitality Hormone Center partners with top-quality labs in Elmhurst to provide patients with cutting-edge testing based on blood, saliva, or urine samples. We test estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid hormones, DHEA, cortisol, and more to obtain a clear snapshot of your hormonal environment. Catching deficiencies early allows for prompt, tailored treatment to get your levels optimized quickly.

Get your hormone levels optimized with BHRT.

Custom-Compounded BHRT

Once we have your test results, our practitioners formulate a fully personalized hormone therapy plan catered to your body and lifestyle. We use high-quality FDA-approved bioidentical hormones - including estradiol, testosterone creams, thyroid medications, and DHEA - that are identical on a molecular level to natural hormones produced in the body. The hormones are custom-compounded by our pharmacy into creams, gels, pills and other dosage forms to meet each patient’s needs precisely.

Because bioidenticals are natural, side effects are minimal compared to synthetic hormone medications. We adjust dosages over time based on follow-up testing and symptom monitoring until you are thriving on your protocol. Patients find immense relief with bioidentical therapy from troublesome menopause, andropause or thyroid disorder symptoms. Consistent hormone levels also provide anti-aging and disease prevention benefits long-term.

Lifestyle Support

Nutrition, movement, and stress reduction powerfully impact hormonal balance and the effectiveness of BHRT. Our practitioners provide personalized lifestyle optimization plans alongside hormone therapy to help patients feel their best. We partner with spas, fitness centers and healthy restaurants in the area to support patients on their journey. Some local establishments we recommend include:

Pairing a healthier lifestyle with bioidentical therapy allows patients to thrive mentally and physically.

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are not necessarily safer or more effective than synthetic hormones for menopausal symptoms. However, some women report preferring them because they more closely mimic the body's own hormones. More research is still needed on their long-term risks and benefits.

Why Choose Vitality Hormone Center?

Vitality Hormone Center sets itself apart as the premier hormone clinic in the Elmhurst area through our specialized expertise and patient focus:

Our practitioners have over a decade of experience optimizing hormones and helping patients address the root physiological causes of how they feel. We stay at the leading edge of BHRT protocols and compounding methods.

We listen compassionately to understand your symptoms and goals for therapy deeply and adjust our approaches to suit your needs.

Our regular progress monitoring ensures your hormone levels remain optimized long-term for sustained symptom relief and disease prevention without overdosing.

We simplify the process for you from comprehensive testing to custom therapy to lifestyle guidance for straightforward healing.

Convenience and service define your experience with us through seamless insurance processing, at-home saliva test kits, personalized therapy formulations and more.

Through experience and innovation, Vitality Hormone Center stands ready to guide you to better wellbeing with expert bioidentical hormone therapy tailored to your unique needs.

Take control of your hormone health today!

Diagnosing Hormone Deficiencies

Feeling off but not sure why? Suboptimal hormone levels could be the culprit. Our bodies give us signals when something is not right - paying attention to symptoms and getting the right lab testing are key first steps to solving health issues stemming from hormonal imbalance.

Common signs of low estrogen include hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, irregular periods, trouble sleeping, mood swings, weight gain, drier skin and hair. Low testosterone manifests as low libido, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, irritability, loss of muscle tone, increased body fat and hair loss.

Thyroid disorders cause fatigue, weight gain or loss, constipation, sensitivity to cold, muscle aches, dry skin, hair loss and brain fog.

Catching hormonal imbalances early allows prompt treatment to relieve suffering. We order cutting-edge blood panels, saliva assays and urine tests at Vitality Hormone Center to gain clear insight into your estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid and metabolic hormone levels. Getting tested regularly enables timely optimization of any deficiencies through bioidentical hormone therapy for rapid resolution of troublesome symptoms.

Balancing Hormones Naturally

Seeking drug-free relief for hormonal issues? The practitioners at Vitality Hormone Center skillfully leverage bioidentical hormones and holistic modalities to bring your levels gently back into balance.

We start by taking a big-picture look at your lifestyle, nutrition, stress levels and sleep alongside your lab testing - these lifestyle factors profoundly impact hormonal health. Deficiencies often result from suboptimal lifestyle patterns chronically overworking glands like the thyroid and adrenals.

We put together personalized, natural therapy plans that may include:

By addressing root causes naturally while also replacing missing hormones, we can resolve even stubborn symptoms for good. Patients are amazed at how much better they feel on our plant-based bioidentical protocols without side effects. We monitor your progress continually and adjust approaches as needed until your vitality is fully restored.

Vitality Hormone Center Bioidentical Process

Unsure about starting bioidentical hormone therapy? Our five-step process at Vitality Hormone Center makes it straightforward.

1. Comprehensive lab testing We order specialized blood, saliva or urine tests to gain a clear picture of your hormone levels and any deficiencies or excesses.

2. Thorough initial consultation You meet your practitioner to review your test results, symptoms, health history and goals to co-create your custom treatment plan.

3. Bioidentical hormone compounding We skillfully formulate your bioidentical creams, gels or troches specifically calibrated to address your imbalances and needs.

4. Regular follow-up & monitoring We schedule follow-up visits to check your levels, adjust dosing if needed, and ensure you are getting the results you want

5. Lifestyle optimization We offer diet and lifestyle guidance to help support healthy hormone balance long-term.

Our step-by-step process takes the complexity and confusion out of bioidentical hormone therapy. We oversee your entire treatment journey to help you feel balanced and vibrant again.

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